
Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is movement within the psychology field that starts with the premise that what is good about life is as genuine as what is bad and that the good should get at least equal attention. It assumes that there is more to life than avoiding or dealing with problems and hassles.

Positive psychology focuses on strengths rather than weaknesses. It is interested in building the best things in life as opposed to only repairing the worst. It is interested in fulfilling the lives of healthy people as much as healing those who are in distress.

In working with people who come for guidance in their personal growth and development, Positive Psychology helps map out a course. For those who come because they are in distress, Positive Psychology asserts that it is as important to reconnect people with their strengths as it is to explore their wounds.

As a starting point, I recommend that people take the Values In Action Character Strengths survey that is available on the Internet. You can take the survey for free and get a rank ordering of your character strengths (VIA Me option). For $20 you can an eighteen page report (VIA Pathways Report) describing your character strengths. For $40 you can download a 24 page comprehensive report (VIA Pro Character Strengths Report) proving additional guidance on using your strengths. Go to

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